
Comórtas Díospóireachta an Phiarsaigh 2018.

​Congratulations to both Senior and Junior Irish debating teams from our school who have qualified for the next round of Comórtas Díospóireachta an Phiarsaigh. The Junior team of Maeve Farrell (captain), Síoda McGuinness and Isabelle Stephens- Lohan proposed the motion “Ba Cheart deireadh a chur le comórtas Rós Thrá Lí”. The senior team of Imani Tsatiashvili (captain), Niamh Petrie and Síofra Mahon also proposed their motion, “Is Parthas turasóireachta í Éire an lae inniú”. Well done girls and we wish you well are you prepare for the next round of the competition which will take place next month. The girls would like to thank their Irish teachers Ms. S. Kelly and Mrs. Carty for all their help.

Pictured above are the Junior Irish Debating team: L-R: Maeve Farrell, Síoda McGuinness and Isabelle Stephens- Lohan.
Pictured above are the Senior Irish Debating team: L-R: Síofra Mahon, Niamh Petrie and Imani Tsatiashvili.